
Mage to Order

Created by Joie Martin

A tabletop roleplaying game zine about magical maintenance workers in a sprawling, technomantic city.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Backerkit Survey Deadlines
over 3 years ago – Tue, May 18, 2021 at 12:44:37 AM

Hi everyone,

Last week, on 5/10/2021, we sent out Backerkit surveys for all backers. As of this moment, 88% of you have responded, which is fantastic! We are still on schedule to deliver the PDF of Mage to Order at the end of the month, and print books in August. We also want to ensure everyone who backed the campaign gets their rewards on time, and is mentioned on the "thank you" page in the book. To do this, please make sure you fill out your survey by next Monday, 5/24/2021. We'll send one more reminder on Sunday, but anyone who responds after 5/24 may not receive their rewards on time.

Once again, thank you for your support and we look forward to delivering the PDF to you by the end of the month!

Surveys Sent!
over 3 years ago – Mon, May 10, 2021 at 09:01:18 PM

A very quick note to let backers know that, as of today, 5.10.2021, surveys have been sent to all backers. If backers want their names on the thank you page in the book, they'll need to make sure they have their surveys filled out by the end of May. Surveys will lock toward the end of July, before sending the printed zine out to physical backers, so you'll still have time to update your shipping address if something changes. 

That's all for now! Expect another update at the end of the month, when PDFs go out to all backers.

Backer Surveys, Pre-Order Store & International Shipping
over 3 years ago – Wed, May 05, 2021 at 06:38:55 PM

Hi everyone!

I wanted to remind you that backer surveys for Mage to Order are going out next Monday on the 10th, via Backerkit, so look for those in your email. There will also be a smaller wave of surveys sent this evening, Wednesday the 5th as we test to make sure Backerkit is set up properly. Don't worry if you don't receive an email this evening--that just means you'll get your survey on Monday. If you are one of the handful of people who gets their survey this evening, and there are any problems, please email me directly at [email protected], so we can correct them. 

Tonight we will also be launching the Mage to Order pre-order store, for those who missed the campaign, or who want to order extra copies. We've also added the option for international shipping, both as an add-on to your pledge and in the pre-order store. If you want a copy of the physical zine, but were unable to get it during the campaign, you can now get one no matter where you live! 

We do want to caution international backers that USPS shipping outside the United States is extremely high, however, and we apologize that we can't offer you something more affordable. We will be making Mage to Order print-on-demand on DriveThruRPG once all pledges and pre-orders are fulfilled, so their international shipping rates might be more reasonable, if you don't mind waiting.

We are very excited to begin fulfilling PDF orders at the end of the month, and physical copies in August. Just as a reminder, backers who have chosen to include the digital adventure, Cut Him Out in Little Stars, should also expect to receive that reward in August.

Thank you once again for all your support. We can't wait to show you the finished game!

Moving Right Along
almost 4 years ago – Tue, Apr 27, 2021 at 08:52:35 PM

Hi everyone! This isn't a particularly long update, since we're in the stage of production just before everything comes together, but I wanted to make sure you got an April update regardless. Right now Mage to Order is with our editor, and the editorial process should be complete within a week or so. We've also received preliminary sketches from our cover artist and they look amazing. I'm so excited, and can't wait to share the finished version with you!

As mentioned in a previous update, the majority of the internal art for the book is finished. That means we'll go immediately into layout, once we get the manuscript back from our editor. I'll also be creating fillable PDF character sheets later this week, and those will be bundled with the game PDF. We're still on track to send out PDFs toward the end of May, so I want to remind you that backer surveys are coming on May 10th.

I think that's everything for now. Look for the link to the survey in the next couple of weeks and, if you have any questions, post them on Mage to Order's Kickstarter page, or email me directly at [email protected].

All About Art
almost 4 years ago – Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 10:38:09 PM

Hello friends! This is your monthly update about how Mage to Order is progressing. As we roll into April, we'll be focusing on artwork while we let our editor have some time with the manuscript.  Since we now have the option to print in full color, that means we can make the game far more vibrant than the black and white of the original design. At this point, art direction is complete and much of the internal art is already finished. We've developed a more cohesive look for the game, based around art deco styles of the early 20th century, that we think it helps convey Thelema's culture of disposable magic and conspicuous consumption. 

One piece of unfortunate news is that Nerdette Designs is no longer able to complete the logo for the cover due to personal difficulties. Instead, we've hired Nana Luvbug to create a brand new cover design inspired by print ads from the 1920s. We're excited to have them on the project, and are dying to to see what they come up with!

There's no more news, but we did want to mention that we'll be sending out backer surveys on May 10th. We're still on schedule to have the PDF completed by the end of May and the print version and digital adventure completed by the end of August. We'll see you for another update in April, and can't wait to show you the final product in just a few months!